Journey To Bliss Blog

Welcome to The Conscious Alchemy Online Journal. I will be posting relevant thoughts, ideas and insights related to the awakening of the conscious alchemist within. This site's focus is the alchemical transformation of suffering; the dissolving of emotional, mental and physical pain into awakened bliss. I will be describing modern and ancient tools for healing/spiritual awakening. For questions contact me: 415.990.8977 or visit I wish you well on your journey…

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Currently I am returning to my old but true love of social and political organizing via a new medium-i.e. blogging and internet activism. I have worked as a grassroots organizer for most of my adult life and have over the past 8 years become more and more outraged by our loss of governmental and corporate accountability and oversight. It's time to be heard and to speak with the force of Kali behind you. Please join me in this loud roar.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Magic of Awareness

These past two weeks were rewarding as I had the blessed opportunity to intensely investigate the nature of awareness. It all started with wanting to be more present during the dreaming state. Waking up while dreaming requires one to be highly present during the day. I was amazed how many moments were lost. Moments that were given birthed to but their existence never known. I began to realize how easy it was for the subconscious to rule in these moments, for I was not there. In order for the subconscious to exist, to perform its magic in the background, it requires us to be unaware, asleep or just not noticing what’s going on around us. So I tried an experiment and spent one whole day intensely focused on awareness.

I noticed how something as simple as a messy room or desk would drop my presence. I didn’t want to see what was there, since I wasn’t going to “deal’ with it today I thought. Those moments of not wanting to “deal with this today” syndrome affected my ability to stay in presence immensely. So I spent one day just” cleaning up” several of those areas, and magically had a lucid (conscious) dream the next morning.

What this points to is how difficult it can be to stay with things that are uncomfortable, unpleasant, unsightly or painful. However, with a little focus, determination and perseverance, I was able to stay aware of what was happening around me and within myself. This allowed for a greater number of “moments” to have their existence recognized (actually there is only one moment but that is for another blog post), which in turn lowered the chance of my subconscious to steal the show.

I encourage all of us to take up the experiment and honestly check with ourselves how present we are during the day. How many times do we look away from something in our environment, not to mention what is within us. The subconscious lives in those places or moments where we are absent in body, mind, and spirit. Pay attention and see how the magic of awareness creates miracles in our lives- and who knows, maybe we can meet each other in our lucid dreams.